With SurvACE, you, the survey author, can easily create a internet or web based questionnaire with exactly the questions you want included, answered in just the way you need to have them answered.
By utilizing SurvACE's advanced configuration functions, you have the freedom to add input restrictions and error checks to greatly enhance the survey output results. Your respondents can use a simple web browser or cell phone and answer even lengthy surveys in no time at all.
By using this package, you can avoid most of the costly customization charges ordinarily associated with these kinds of applications. Customization, installation and set-up start at around $1000.
As explained in the product summary, the you, the survey creator, can freely add and modify topics within the questionnaire to suit your needs.
Customers will be able to use not only all standard cellular carriers and iPhones etc. I Mode, but J-phone as well as other WAP devices to access this survey system.
The database created by SurvACE produces data that is analysis-ready and analysis-friendly. Most basic analysis tools are supported. (Results are outputted to Excel)
Easily Choose Question & Answer Fields.
Customize weights and export data.
Operating System: Windows 7+
Internet Access Required
Microsoft Access Required if you choose to utilize the database option
Custom software based on your specs. Internet advertising agency and i.t. boutique Artisan Crew, Los Angeles. Custom strategies, custom solutions, no outsourcing.