• One size fits all.
  • Responsive Web Design. Now Size REALLY doesn't matter.

Responsive Web Design & Development Firm | Los Angeles

What Are Responsive Websites, and Do You Do Responsive Web Design?

Responsive websites respond to the different platform and screen size a user has and adjusts the site to fit. In this way, your site is not constrained when a user views it on mobile, tablets, or different screen sizes. In fact, this website is a responsive website. You can see how it responds by changing the size of your browser or viewing it on a device with a different size screen. Go ahead, try it. See? Super cool, huh? It’s automatically optimized for each resolution, which is increasingly important as more traffic comes from mobile or tablet devices with varying screen sizes.
See a few examples of our recent responsive website design & development here.
Or read on! [Stats on mobile market, importance of mobile traffic kindly provided below]

Responsive Website Facts

Why You Should Make a Responsive Website

The World is Using More Mobile Devices Than Ever Before

Each with its own aspect ratio and screen size.

Device Ownership

Cell Phones
Smart Phones
Tablet, Smartphone, Laptop

Mobile Only

An increasing number of people are using their mobile device as their only internet source. If you want to reach one of these key demographics, you increasingly need to do it through mobile.

African American Adults
12-17 Year Olds
Hispanic Adults
Low income (under $30k/yr)

Even if You Already Have a Non-Responsive Website, You Should Invest in Responsive Web Design.

Because if you're not, you're giving a subpar experience to:


Of People Check Internet on Phone


Of Social Media Consumption Happens on Mobile


Of eCommerce Traffic is on Mobile


Of eCommerce Conversions Are on Mobile

And With All That Responsive Websites Have In Their Favor:

Fewer Mirroring Content Issues

Faster Load Times

Fewer Redirects

Consistent URL

...It's No Wonder Google Calls Responsive Web Design:

An Industry Best Practice


Responsive Website Example

How Responsive Websites Adjust to Different Sizes

Responsive Websites-Finally, Size Doesn't Matter

As an exercise, the image below shows popular resolutions for a variety of monitors, smartphones, and tablets. For those viewing this site on a device which allows for browser resizing, you can change the width of your browser to match these devices, and see how our site responds to various screen sizes.

Marketing websites and online shops that sell.
Goal based design paired with real-world experience.
Web design by Artisan Crew, Los Angeles